package main; import( std "fmt"; system "os"; "io/ioutil"; "io"; "net/http"; logger "log"; conv "strconv"; //"math/big"; // Just for realy big numbers "strings"; . "regexp"; "time"; ); type linkElement struct { url string; } type Grawler struct { /* Target to "attack" */ target string; /* Max count of links to crawl */ maxcount int64; /* Transport given content trougth different Threads (called Channels in Go) */ contentchannel chan string; /* Transport given Vuln-Urls througth different Threads */ vulnschannel chan string; /* Get the content of given url in class var namend "target"; returns the html content */ // func (g *Grawler)getContentByTarget(url string) /* Get the content of given var namend "url"; returns the html content */ // func (g *Grawler)getContentByURL(url string) string /* Starts the whole crawling process; need a channel, it will use it to communicate with the main loop, it puts true in the channel when the crawling process is finished; returns nothing */ // func (g *Grawler)startProcess(output chan bool) /* Save all founded vulns; returns nothing*/ // func (g *Grawler)saveVulns() }; var linkStorage map[int64] linkElement; var vulnStorage map[int64] linkElement; func NewGrawler(target string, maxcount int64) *Grawler { if(!strings.HasSuffix(target, "/")) { target += "/"; std.Println(target); system.Exit(1); } return &Grawler{target, maxcount, make(chan string), make(chan string)}; } func (g *Grawler) startProcess(output chan bool) { //std.Println("startProcess called"); exitProcess := make(chan bool); go g.processContent(exitProcess); g.contentchannel <- g.getContentByTarget(); for { exit, ok := <- exitProcess; if(ok && exit) { close(exitProcess); output <- true; break; } } } func (g *Grawler) getContentByTarget() string { //std.Println("getContentByTarget called"); resp, err := http.Get(; if(err != nil) { std.Printf("[1 getContentByTarget ] %s\n", err.Error()); } defer resp.Body.Close(); body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); if(err != nil) { std.Print("[2 getContentByTarget ] %s\n", err.Error()); } return string(body); } func (g *Grawler) getContentByURL(url string) string { //std.Println("getContentByURL called"); Start: resp, err := http.Get(url); if(err != nil) { std.Print("[1 getContentByURL ] %s\n", err.Error()); url = linkStorage[g.elementID(linkElement{url})+1].url; goto Start; } defer resp.Body.Close(); body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); if(err != nil) { std.Print("[2 getContentByURL ] %s\n", err.Error()); url = linkStorage[g.elementID(linkElement{url})+1].url; goto Start; } return string(body); } func (g *Grawler) processContent(exitProcess chan bool) { //std.Println("processContent called"); var counter int64; counter = 0; for { //std.Printf("processContent: Infinite loop count: %d", counter); if(counter > g.maxcount) { //std.Println("processContent: break;"); break; } content, ok := <- g.contentchannel; if(ok && counter <= g.maxcount) { std.Print("."); if(counter == 0) { //std.Println("(1) processContent: counter == 0"); g.extractLinksFromContent(content); //std.Printf("(1) processContent: counter == 0; else = %d != %d --- extractLinksFromContent finished processing", counter, g.maxcount.Int64()); select { case g.contentchannel <- g.getContentByURL(linkStorage[counter].url): //std.Println("Successful written in channel"); default: //std.Println("LOOOOOOOOOOL somthing is in our channel, but nobody cleant it o,0... Lets look into =>"); //std.Println(<-g.contentchannel); //std.Println("fucking error") } counter++; } else { counter++; //std.Printf("(2) processContent: counter == 0; else = %d != %d", counter, g.maxcount.Int64()); g.extractLinksFromContent(content); //std.Printf("(2) processContent: counter == 0; else = %d != %d --- extractLinksFromContent finished processing", counter, g.maxcount.Int64()); g.contentchannel <- g.getContentByURL(linkStorage[counter].url); } } else { //std.Println("processContent: Nothing in channel: outputchannel"); } } //std.Println("processContent: exitProcess <- true"); exitProcess <- true; return; } func (g *Grawler) extractLinksFromContent(content string) { //std.Println("extractLinksFromContent called;"); var a string = "(?i)]+)>(.+?)"; var href string = "\\s*(?i)href\\s*=\\s*(\"([^\"]*\")|'[^']*'|([^'\">\\s]+))"; re := MustCompile(a); if re.String() != a { std.Println("String() = %s; should be %s", re.String(), a); } result := re.FindAll([]byte(content),len([]byte(content)) + 1); //std.Println("extractLinksFromContent: findAll "); for _, links := range result { //std.Println(string(links)); re := MustCompile(href); if re.String() != href { std.Println("String() = %s; should be %s", re.String(), href); } ndresult := re.FindAll(links, len(links)+1); for _, hrefc := range ndresult { //std.Println(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(string(hrefc[0:len(hrefc)-1]), "href=\"", "", -1), " ", "", -1)); g.pushLink(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(string(hrefc[0:len(hrefc)-1]), "href=\"", "", -1), " ", "", -1)); //std.Println("extractLinksFromContent: pushLink finished processing"); } //std.Println("extractLinksFromContent: 2nd loop finished processing"); } //std.Println("extractLinksFromContent: All loops finished processing"); return; /*if(strings.Index(content, " -1) { first_split := strings.Split(content, "href="); std.Println(first_split[1]); } else { goto Nothing; } Nothing: return; */ } func (g *Grawler) pushLink(link string) { //std.Println("pushLink called;"); g.removeDuplicates(); if(!g.elementExists(linkElement{link})) { if(strings.HasPrefix(link, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(link, "https://")) { } else { if(strings.HasPrefix(link, "/") && (!strings.HasPrefix(link, "#") || !strings.HasPrefix(link, "/#"))) { link = string([]byte(link)[1:]); link = + link; } else if(!strings.HasPrefix(link, "/") && (!strings.HasPrefix(link, "#") || !strings.HasPrefix(link, "/#"))) { link = + link; } else { std.Printf("Wrong Link %s\n", link); return; } //std.Println("pushLink: linkElement successful pushed to linkStorage"); } if(len(linkStorage) > 2 && len(system.Args) == 4 || len(system.Args) == 5) { if(!strings.Contains(link, system.Args[3])) { return; } if(strings.Contains(link, "&") || strings.Contains(link, ".php?") || strings.Contains(link, ".pl?") || strings.Contains(link, "?")) { vulnStorage[int64(len(vulnStorage))] = linkElement{link}; } } linkStorage[int64(len(linkStorage))] = linkElement{link}; } else { //std.Println("pushLink: linkElement already exists"); } } func (g *Grawler) elementExists(element linkElement) bool { //std.Println("elementExists called;"); var i int64 = 0; for i = 0; i < int64(len(linkStorage)); i++ { if(linkStorage[i] == element) { return true; } } return false; } func (g *Grawler) elementID(element linkElement) int64 { var i int64 = 0; for i = 0; i < int64(len(linkStorage)); i++ { if(linkStorage[i] == element) { return i; } } logger.Fatalf("[func (g *Grawler) elementID(element linkElement) uint32 ] Run-Time Error: Cant find requested element! >>%d<<", len(linkStorage)); return 0; } func (g *Grawler) removeDuplicates() { var i int64 = 0; found := make(map[linkElement]bool) newmap := make(map[int64] linkElement); var j int64 = 0 for i = 0; i < int64(len(linkStorage)); i++ { if !found[linkStorage[i]] { found[linkStorage[i]] = true newmap[j] = linkStorage[i]; j++ } } linkStorage = newmap; return; } func main() { exectime := time.Now(); exectime_min := exectime.Minute(); exectime_sec := exectime.Second(); var grawler = &Grawler{"", 0, nil, nil}; // Just bypass some fucking errors :P var rawstring string = ` ##################################################### # # # Grawler v0.1 # # # # coded by Know v3.0 # # vxnetw0rk # # # # language: Go ( # # # ##################################################### | | | usage: $ ./grawler host max_links_to_crawl | | example: $ ./grawler 1000 | | max: 18446744073709551615 cuz of unsigned int64 | |___________________________________________________| `; // Raw-String if (len(system.Args) < 2) { std.Println(rawstring); system.Exit(1); } else if(len(system.Args) >= 3) { /* Normaly Go will convert a string to int32, but we want to bypass this shit and convert it to uint64 <3 */ count1, _ := conv.Atoi(system.Args[2]); var count int64 = int64(count1); //std.Printf("count: %d\n", count); linkStorage = make(map[int64] linkElement); vulnStorage = make(map[int64] linkElement); grawler = NewGrawler(system.Args[1], count); //std.Println(Atoi(system.Args[2])); //system.Exit(0); /* Yay! One of the best features in Go <3 */ grawler.contentchannel = make(chan string, count); grawler.vulnschannel = make(chan string, count); defer close(grawler.contentchannel); // Close the given channel befor the code block( else if here) is finisched executed defer close(grawler.vulnschannel); // same here outputchannel := make(chan bool); // makes a channel to transport bool's between threads defer close(outputchannel); // Close the given channel befor the code block( else if here) is finisched executed //std.Println("Start Process!"); go grawler.startProcess(outputchannel); // Starts the function "startProcess" in a new thread //std.Println("Infinite Loop!"); for { // Infinite loop to check if the crawling process is finished isfinished, ok := <- outputchannel; if(ok && isfinished) { var i int64 = 0; fl, flErr := system.OpenFile("result.txt", system.O_RDWR|system.O_CREATE, 0666) if flErr != nil { std.Println("File write error:", flErr) } defer fl.Close() for i = 0; i < int64(len(linkStorage)); i++ { _, wErr := io.WriteString(fl, linkStorage[i].url+"\n\n") // write if wErr != nil { std.Println("Write error:", wErr) } //std.Println(linkStorage[i].url); } if(len(vulnStorage) > 0) { var i int64 = 0; fll, flErrl := system.OpenFile("vuln.txt", system.O_RDWR|system.O_CREATE, 0666) if flErrl != nil { std.Println("File write error:", flErrl) } defer fll.Close() for i = 0; i < int64(len(linkStorage)); i++ { _, wErrl := io.WriteString(fll, vulnStorage[i].url+"\n\n") // write if wErrl != nil { std.Println("Write error:", wErrl) } //std.Println(linkStorage[i].url); } } else { std.Println("Cant find vuln links") } exectime = time.Now(); second_min := exectime.Minute(); second_sec := exectime.Second(); var speed_sec int; var speed_min int; if(second_min == exectime_min) { speed_min = 0; speed_sec = second_sec - exectime_sec; } else { speed_min = second_min - exectime_min; speed_sec = second_sec - exectime_sec; } std.Printf("Finished in %d minutes and %d seconds and %d links was found! Check current dir => some txt files\n", speed_min, speed_sec, len(linkStorage)); system.Exit(0); } } } }